

At New Close we believe that it is crucial that our children develop an understanding of British history and values, the history of the wider world, and how it impacts upon us in the present. Our curriculum is developed in line with the National Curriculum, and is delivered in a way that is interesting, relevant to our children and links to other areas of learning, wherever possible. Our desire is that students build richly connected knowledge, vocabulary and skills that they can carry forward through their education and their lives. Our aim is that we inspire our children to become active and curious in regards to history. We want our pupils to develop the tools to evaluate information about the past and make informed judgements based on this, and help them understand what happened in the past, and how this shaped the world they live in. We believe it is crucial that children learn about the events and people that have shaped our nation and its values, as well as other civilizations through time.


History is taught as a topic driver for every other term (Years 1-6). Alongside this lead subject other linked subjects are taught, where appropriate, to provide a thematic approach. The curriculum has been designed to enable skills and knowledge for History to be built on sequentially and repeated systematically. In mapping out the curriculum, consideration has been given to prior knowledge and skills required between year groups, units of work and subjects. This can be seen through the repetition of the focus on significant figures or eras of key civilisations such as Florence Nightingale in Year 1, Ancient Egypt in Year 3/4 and Romans and Anglo-Saxons in Year 4/5. Children are expected to transfer/recall knowledge and/or apply skills across these units of work. 

Progression of knowledge and skills is mapped out, which forms the core of our units of work and learning objectives. The Acorn booklet scheme of work, is used as the basis of our work. This is adapted to ensure it meets the needs of our New Close children and each class that we teach.

Within History and the topic there is a link to key concepts for the term. This promotes deeper thinking on the theme and gives children the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge taught. Each topic starts with a ‘hook’ and ends with an authentic outcome, which reflects the term’s learning. During the unit of work, children are given opportunities to recap on knowledge learnt. Knowledge organisers are being developed to support the recall and retention of important facts, they also provide opportunities for learning to be linked between units. In addition, children are enabled to broaden their understanding of the subject/topic by accessing a range of other experiences (trips, visitors, hooks, authentic outcomes). These experiences are mapped out on the class annual overviews.


Assessment of History at New Close is a multi- facetted approach. We use 'live marking' to assess children's progress and understanding throughout the lessons and address any misconceptions either immediately or during the starter for the next lesson. The children then also complete a multiple choice assessment grid at the end of the unit, based on the 'Need to know' information given at the beginning of the booklets and referred to duing the lessons, which is then marked with the class. This again allows teachers to be aware of any misconceptions and discuss these straight away and know any gaps in knowledge to address through 'Flashbacks' during the next term/s. 

Click here to see all our curriculum policies, including our History Policy

Click here to see all our Long Term Plans, including History

Click here to see all our Skills and Knowledge Progressions, including History

Click here to see all our Vocabulary Progessions, including History