Fox (Year 6)

Please look at the key information below


Adults in Fox Class


Adults in Fox Class

Class teachers

Mrs Lisle (Tuesday - Friday) -
Miss Smith (Monday) -


Teaching Assistants

Miss McConnell - Class TA in the mornings

Class Expectations



We have high expectations of behaviour at New Close. Everything we do is centred around our six values:

Aspire, Positivity, Pride, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility. 

We reward good behaviour with house points, great to be green stickers, going for gold as well as star of the week.

When children do not follow these expectations they will receive consequences. These consequences (known as stages) are outlined in our Good Behaviour Policy. 

Duties & Responsibilities

Being in Year 6 brings added duties nad responsibilities around the school. We look to Year 6 to be excellent role models for the other children and to help out with tasks such as setting up assembly and being playground friends.


We will need 6 House Captains and two Sports Ambassadors from Year 6- information on how to apply will be available soon. 

What do I need to bring to school?

What do I need to bring to school?

You will need:


A named lunchbox and water bottle

A healthy snack for playtime

A waterproof coat when the weather turns!

Reading book and Reading Record

A positive attitude!


PE kits

We are continuing to ask children to wear their full PE kits to school on the days when they have PE. This year PE is on a Wednesday.PE kit is:


Red t shirt

Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/PE skirt


School jumper/cardigan. No hoodies please

It is important that the children have the correct kit as they will be wearing this as their uniform for the day.


Forest School

Forest school is currently on Wednesday afternoons. The children must bring the correct kit to school to change into. This includes waterproof clothing that can go over their PE kit - waterproof coat, trousers and a pair of wellies.





Homework is: reading, learning tables and either a literacy or numeracy task. Homework is designed to support your child’s learning and help them to revisit skills taught in class. We aim to keep these tasks as simple as possible but children will benefit from some support at home to complete these tasks. All homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday. Children will receive house points for working hard on all aspects of their homework. For those who do not return their homework, they will be required to attend a homework catch up session on Wednesday lunchtime.

Homework for Year 6 will be different as of January in the run up to SATS and in preparation for secondary school.

This Term in Fox Class

Useful Links

TTRS- Times Table Rock Stars-