Hedgehog (Year 1)

Please look at the key Information Below 

Adults in Hedgehog Class

Class teachers
Miss Williams cw@newclose.wilts.sch.uk

Teaching Assistants
Mrs Wright

Class Expectations

We have high expectations of behaviour at New Close. Everything we do is centred around our six values:

Aspire, Positivity, Pride, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility. 

When children follow these expectations they will receive verbal praise and may also receive stickers and dojo points. Those who do not follow these expectations will receive consequences. These consequences are outlined in our Good Behaviour Policy


What do I need to bring to school?

Children in Hedeghog class will need:

- their red school book bag in school every day. This should have two school books in it (one reading together book & one decodable book) their home/school reading record and their phonics folder.

- a drink (no fizzy drinks) in a separate bag, an optional piece of fruit and lunch if they are not having a school meal.

- weather appropriate clothing (we aim to go outside in all weathers). It is helpful if they can keep a pair of wellies in school.

Children in Hedgehog class have PE on a Thursday. Forest School will be on a Monday, children need to bring in clothes suitable for outdoor learning.


On a Thursday, Hedgehog class will have PE. Children will need to come to school on these days in their PE kits: 

  • School jumper or cardigan (no hoodies please)
  • Red t-shirt
  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Trainers or daps

Forest School 

On a Monday, Hedgehog class will have Forest School in the afternoon. They must bring their forest school kit into school with them to change into. For forest school they must have: 

  • A long pair of trousers
  • A long sleeved t-shirt
  • Socks 
  • Wellie boots 
  • A waterproof coat
  • A pair of gloves, hat and a scarf (in the winter)

Everything else needed will be provided by the school. We are trying to reduce the number of items being brought into school and encourage children to leave toys/teddies at home. 

To reduce time for changing, we are encouraging children to bring waterproof clothing to put over the top of their PE clothes as all classes have Forest school on the same day as PE.


 Children in Hedgehog Class need to read/share a book five times a week with their grown ups. This reading should be recorded in the home/school reading record.

This Term in Hedgehog Class

This term in Hedgehog Class our topic is 'Toys Through The Ages.'


Please click here for our termly overview 

Useful Links

Click the links below for useful webpages that will help you support your child's learning at home.

Little Wandle Information for Parents 
